PHDC’24 Poster Session aims to create a space for researchers and experts to share their work on population, health, and development. The congress aims to promote collaboration and innovation in these fields. We’re inviting researchers and experts to share their work by submitting abstracts.
Please review the guidelines below before submitting your abstract.
Share the latest research on population, health, and development
Promote collaboration and engagement among researchers and experts
Identify innovative solutions to pressing global issues relating to these fields
How to Be a Part of PHDC Poster Session 2024?
Researchers and experts can contribute to the PHDC’24 Posters Session by submitting an abstract on one of the 11 key topics, choosing between oral presentation or poster viewing to showcase their work.
The received abstracts will be evaluated by the scientific committee and will be ranked based on their scores, and the best three abstracts will be assigned for oral presentations.
Abstract Topics
1. Emerging Health Technologies: Impact on Population Health and Development
2. Addressing Health Disparities: Strategies for Achieving Population Health Equity
3. Innovations in Maternal and Child Health: Improving Outcomes and Sustainable Development
4. Population Aging and Health: Promoting Healthy Aging and Quality of Life
5. Promoting Reproductive Health and Family Planning: Ensuring Access and Rights
6. Migration, Health, and Development: Challenges and Opportunities
7. Health Systems Strengthening: Building Resilient and Sustainable Health Systems
8. Environmental Health and Climate Change: Mitigating Risks and Promoting Sustainable Health Practices
9. Data Analytics and Epidemiology: Enhancing Population Health Surveillance and Research
10. Social Determinants of Health: Understanding the Role of Education, Income, and Social Support
11. Disease Prevention and Prediction
Abstract Guidelines
Abstract title: must be in UPPER CASE and limited to 25 words.
Abstract Body: 500 words maximum, clear, concise, and written in English with correct spelling and good sentence structure.
Typeface: Size: 12-point Font: Times New Roman, Spacing: 1 line-spaced, Adjustment: justified.
Abstracts should clearly state: (Background and aims – Methods- Results- Conclusions).
You may include figures and tables within the body.
Abstract submitters must disclose any conflicts of interest within the abstract body.
Abstract File Upload Format: Only one image is allowed, and it must be in JPG, or PNG format; the file size should not exceed 500 KB.
References: Please ensure references follow the Vancouver style format.
Abstract Selection and Presentation
Accepted Oral Abstracts will be allotted 15 minutes for oral presentation followed by 5 minutes of questions and discussion.
Accepted Poster Abstracts will be assigned to a poster session and allotted a poster board space. The poster should be 90 cm wide by 120 cm high.
The same author may serve as presenting author on up to 3 abstracts.
The received abstracts will be evaluated by the scientific committee and will be ranked based on their scores.
Based on ranking, the top 20 proposals will be selected for display during PHDC’24 posters session where each of the 20 teams will be offered a poster board space.
The best three abstracts will be assigned for oral presentations at one of PHDC’24 functions.
How to Submit an Abstract?
You can submit your abstract here by filling the Abstract Submission Form.
*Please note that:
The deadline for abstract submissions is September 1, 2024. Abstracts received after the deadline will not be considered.
Abstracts must be submitted here via the website only; abstracts submitted by email will not be accepted.
Please ensure all co-authors are informed of the abstract content and agree to its submission