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Amr Hassan Hussein

Amr Hassan, Advisor to the Minister of Health and Population for Population and Family Development Affairs has been active in the field of population, reproductive health and development for more than fifteen years. 

He shared in drawing national policies and setting strategies to improve the social and health effects of reproductive health and family planning programs and in controlling the rapid population growth of Egypt.

He contributes with concrete efforts in the integration of maternal health and population issues in national development and planning. He gained his experience through his previous works as Rapporteur of the National Population Council and from his effort in media and he supervised and contributed to the joint efforts of community activists, authorities, development agencies in the area of RH & Gender–Based Violence.

Moreover, Professor of obstetrics and gynecology. Dr. Amr Hassan is specialized in high risk pregnancy.

He started the career path when He was graduated from Kasr El-Aini at Cairo University at 2004, followed by M.SC. and MD degree from Cairo university.

His research, a randomized controlled trial of uterine exteriorisation versus in situ repair of the uterine incision during caesarean delivery, was recognised by the international journal of gynecology and obstetrics as the best clinical research article from a low/middle-income country.

Amr Hassan Hussein
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