Hesham El Ghazaly
The MASRI research center include Cancer Biobank, Accredited genome Center,
clinical research center, bioinformatics network and preclinical center.)
Professor Hesham El Ghazaly is chair of the Presidential Initiative of Women’s Health in Egypt
Professor Hesham El Ghazaly is the founder and president of BGICS “Breast –Gynecological International Cancer Society” www.bgics.net which is a nongovernmental non-profit organization.
Established to enhance prevention strategy through awareness and early detection, medical education for all oncology related specialties, establishing patients support programs and initiating or sharing in scientific research.
Professor Hesham El Ghazaly is the chairman and owner of Alfa cure oncology center(www.alfacurecenter.com).
Alfa Cure Oncology Center is the first multi-branched European accredited centers for integrated oncology management and palliative care.